Photography > Bodhi House (a photo essay)

Rahula spreads the ashes of former inmate and friend Earl Olsack during a memorial service at Bodhi House on Aug. 29, 2015. Olsack was one of the prisoners John Mulligan worked with in the Triple Gem program who passed away while serving time at South Woods State Prison in New Jersey. Sowers, who said many of the practitioners he works with inside the prison, ironically find freedom through the teaching of the Buddha. "They are actually freer than their captors," said Sowers. "Sadly it just comes at a time when they are incarcerated."

Rahula spreads the ashes of former inmate and friend Earl Olsack during a memorial service at Bodhi House on Aug. 29, 2015. (click to read caption)
Rahula spreads the ashes of former inmate and friend Earl Olsack during a memorial service at Bodhi House on Aug. 29, 2015. (click to read caption)